International Data SIM Card
Sales Office: +7 (499) 281-69-75
Technical Support: +7 (499) 350-34-93
WellTell International Data SIM Card
Now you don’t need to worry about getting a local SIM card.
All you need is to insert a WellTell SIM, turn on your handset and you are ready to use 4G Data.
WellTell is a SIM with global coverage at the lowest prices in 190 countries.
Compare and choose us.
One SIM card for all travel and business trips
Order and Get Started
Order a SIM on the website
It will take you just a few minutes
Card is delivered by a courier service
A courier arrives at a time and place of your convenience
Free delivery within Russia
Get started
Use Data Worldwide
Data Set Ups
Data Set Ups for Android:
1. Tap ‘Setttings’
2. Tap ‘Mobile networks’
3. Tap ‘Access Point Names'
There you will see GPRS, WAP and MMS.
1. Choose GPRS
Name – any (e.g., WellTell)
APN – ‘globaldata’
2. Leave other fields by default
3. The handset will automatically connect to a Data Network. Next to the signal strength indicators, you will see H or 3G sign.
Data Set Ups for iOS:
Mode №1:
1. Tap ‘Settings’
2. Tap ‘Cellular’
3. Turn on ‘Data Roaming’
4. Go to ‘Cellular Data Network’
5. In Cellular Data set:
APN – ‘globaldata’
User Name − no
Mode №2:
1. Connect to a Wi-Fi network
2. Open ‘Safari’
3. Go to ‘’
4. Tap ‘Manually’
5. APN Name – ‘globaldata’
6. Tap Install Profile (if needed, tap twice)
IMPORTANT! Make sure ‘Data Roaming’ is on.